Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mythbusters Lesson #1

Myth #1 “God Is Too Strict To Accept Me”

There are many ideas about God that have been invented through the ages.
Sadly, so many people buy into the myth that some of those ideas are actually true. Often, because a whole bunch of people believe a myth is true, other people start to accept it as fact. Many children hear these myths at school, on television, and in the neighborhood. So, what are we gonna do?
We are going to take some of the most popular myths about God that people
claim are true – and BUST EM! We’re gonna look at what the Bible says and prove that these myths are 100% totally FALSE!
So join the Mythbusters Team, Pastor Milton and Willy,as they tackle one of these myths in each lesson. They are joined by “BUSTER”, a wacky guy (with even wackier hair) who loves to BUST stuff – as well as teach us some amazing Power Verses!
We pray you and your children will be radically changed and have your faith
strengthened in this amazing curriculum series—”MYTHBUSTERS.”
For This Generation,

from Flip Kids Team

Main Focus :God accepts everyone, no matter
what they’ve done.
Power Verse : “So accept each other just as
Christ has accepted you...”
- Romans 15:7
Big Idea : “Even Though I Am A Sinner, With
God’s Help I’ll Be A Winner”

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lesson #4 “Where’s Dad?”

Many children today are forced to live without a Dad. Whether it’s because
of divorce or pre-marital pregnancy,living without a Dad is very difficult for
children to cope with. While living without a Dad can be
hard, children can rest in the fact that we ALL have an incredible Heavenly Father
who has promised to be there for us no matter what. If times get tough, He’s
there. If we mess up and sin, He’s still there. He’s not going to leave us no
matter what! In this lesson, the children will
learn that all of us have the same Heavenly Father who is perfect in every

Main Focus: We have a loving Heavenly Father who will never leave us!
Power verse:“For I will not leave you…I will not fail you or abandon you.”
- Joshua 1:5
Big Idea : God The Father Will Never Fail!

1) Countdown
2) Welcome, b-days & announcements / Juan
3) Worship
4) Phrase craze / kristi Moore
5) Worship
6) Game time / Nikki Stahl
7) Skit or video
8) Lesson intro video
9) Word drop / Mark Scully
10) Sermon / Pastor Milton

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lesson #3 “Meet The Parents”

“Meet The Parents”

One of the biggest struggles kids
have is obeying their parents. It’s never
easy, and sometimes it seems impossible.
Sometimes, kids struggle so much
with their parents that they wish they had
a different set of parents altogether.
In this lesson, the children will
learn that God gave them the parents that He wanted them to have, the ones
that were best suited to take care of them, train them, and help them become
what God wants them to be. Children have to do their part to
help their parents do their job. How? They do their part by choosing to honor,
love, and obey their parents. It’s not easy, but it is always rewarding.

Main Focus: We must honor, love, and
obey our parents!
Power Verse: “Children, obey your parents… for
this is the right thing to do.”
- Ephesians 6:1
Big Idea:What My Parents Will Be
Is Up to Me!

1) Countdown
2) Welcome, b-days & announcements / Juan
3) Worship
4) Phrase craze / kristi Moore
5) Worship
6) Game time / Nikki Stahl
7) Skit or video
8) Lesson intro video
9) Word drop / Mark Scully
10) Sermon / Pastor Milton

Bapt. Video

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Family Mechanics Week #2

This week’s theme: When the family breaks down.

One of the biggest struggles kids have is obeying their parents. It’s never
easy, and sometimes it seems impossible. Sometimes, kids struggle so much
with their parents that they wish they had a different set of parents altogether.
In this lesson, the children will learn that God gave them the parents
that He wanted them to have, the ones that were best suited to take care of
them, train them, and help them become what God wants them to be.
Children have to do their part to help their parents do their job. How?
They do their part by choosing to honor, love, and obey their parents. It’s not
easy, but it is always rewarding.

This week is not such an easy topic to talk about or to actually go through. This week we are looking at divorce. Divorce is when a mom and a dad decide not to be married anymore, and they get a divorce. Divorce is about the mom and the dad, but it absolutely does change things for the kids, too. Maybe your parents are divorced. Or maybe you know a friend whose parents are divorced. Families change sometimes, but God absolutely NEVER changes. God has a perfect plan for everyone’s life, and that perfect plan starts with each of us giving our lives over to Jesus whether or not our parents are divorced. Take the first step on the road to God’s perfect plan: make lots of room for Jesus in your life.

Big Idea : When Things Go Wrong and I Don’t Know
What To Do, God Will Always See Me Through!”
verse of the week : “Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take
care of you.” - Psalm 55:22

1) Countdown
2) Welcome, b-days & announcements / Willy
3) Worship
4) Phrase craze / Nikki Stahl
5) Worship
6) Game time / Brian H.
7) Skit or video
8) Lesson intro video
9) Word drop / Mark Scully
10) Sermon / Pastor Milton

Monday, August 2, 2010

Week #1 Family Mechanics

Big Idea : No Matter How You’ve Done Me Wrong, I
Know We Can Get Along!
Weekly Scripture “Do your part to live in peace with everyone, as
much as possible.” - Romans 12:18

Admitting you’re wrong and asking for forgiveness is never fun,
but learning how to do it when you’re young can make it easier later on.
Explain to your children that there are three steps in the forgiveness
process: admit you’re wrong, ask for forgiveness, and make things right.
Tell them to pretend they broke a toy they weren’t supposed to be
playing with, and then have them repeat the following sentences:
• It was wrong for me to play with that toy. I’m sorry I broke it.
• Will you forgive me?
• What can I do to make it right?
Parents, it’s your job to help your children understand what
they’ve done wrong. In the scenario above, breaking the toy wasn’t the
issue—it was probably an accident. The child disobeyed by playing with
the toy in the first place. Make sure your child knows what he or she did
wrong; otherwise, instead of being sorry they disobeyed, they may just be
sorry that they got caught.
Talk about the following scenes with your children. Ask your
children what the person did that was wrong and how he or she should
ask for forgiveness.
• Sarah said mean things to a friend
• Michael didn’t clean his room when his mother told him to
• Abby rode her bike through a neighbor’s yard and ran over some
• Justin played a trick on a friend that caused his friend to be
Pray together, asking God to give you the courage to seek
forgiveness when you’ve done something wrong. Thank Him for always
forgiving you when you repent.

1) Countdown
2) Welcome & announcements / Juan
3) Worship
4) Phrase craze / Nikki Stahl
5) Intro video
6) Game time / Willy V.
7) Skit video
8) Word drop / Virginia
9) Sermon / Pastor Milton