Thursday, November 17, 2011



“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart”. Jeremiah 29:13

Today’s lesson is about surfing. Surfing can be a lot of fun, but it also takes a lot of effort and determination. A surfer has to wax his board, get into the water, even if it is cold, paddle out past the waves and then wait. That’s right. He just sits there on his board waiting for the waves to come. God’s presence is similar to that. We have to prepare our hearts and then put forth some effort praising Him, worshipping Him and then sometimes we just have to wait on the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit only comes when He is welcomed and invited. A good surfer will not go after every wave that comes his way. He waits for just the right wave.There are many things in life that can distract us from getting closer to God and can cause us to drift from Him. We must always make time to seek God and spend time in His presence.

Friday, November 11, 2011

New Kids Church series check it Out

this wee we are starting our new series
check it out
this week lesson is about BMX. Freestyle BMX
is a very cool sport but it takes a lot of
practice to get good. If you practice once a
week you won’t be very good, but if you
practice everyday you will get very good. It’s
the same way with God’s Word. The more you
practice His word, the better you will get at
living for God. You will know the difference
between right and wrong because you have
God’s Word in your heart. If you read the Bible
every once in a while you will not be able to live
the life that God wants you to live. We must
read the Bible everyday and hide the Word of
God in our hearts.