Tuesday, September 27, 2011

SOAR Flying High With God #1

A lot of time and energy goes into designing and manufacturing an airplane.
Wouldn’t it be such a shame for a plane to be built, but then never
actually get off the ground and fly? In the same way God designed and created
us for a purpose. Not to just sit on the ground and do nothing, but to
soar high with Him. When a plane is in the air, carrying passengers and
cargo, it is accomplishing it’s purpose. We all have a special purpose for our
lives. God had a plan laid out for us before we were ever even thought of.
Most people live their lives never knowing what that plan is.
In this 4-week lesson, your kids will learn that they are very special to
God and that He has an incredible plan for them.

Lesson #1
In order to soar high with God, you must know that you are special and
that God has a plan for your life. God called Gideon to lead his people
against a massive army. When the Angel of the Lord approached Gideon,
he didn’t think he was good enough for the job. The fact is: we are not “good
enough” for what God has for us to do. But with His strength and His power
we can do great things for the Lord. If we know that we are “special” to God
and that He has a great plan for us,then we can accomplish many things
for Him.

BIBLE VERSE : “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life
was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day passed.”
Psalm 139:16

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