Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mythbusters Lesson #6

God can use me to do BIG things for Him!
We’ve been busting myths about God left and right! Myths about God have no chance to survive when we test them against the Word of God, the Bible! What God says about the matter settles it, and that includes this week’s myth! Do you know what a “critic” is? It is someone who judges and criticizes something or someone. A
critic has a critical attitude: looking for all the wrong things they can find and then points those things out to anyone that will listen. Nothing is ever good enough.
God is too critical to use me is a myth, boys and girls! If God was only looking to use perfect people for His purposes, He’d have no one to use since no one but God is perfect! You have a very specific and unique purpose, and God wants to use you in that purpose. Think of some of the utensils in your kitchen. If you needed
to cut a piece of meat, would you use a rolling pin or a knife? A knife, of course, because the knife’s purpose is to cut! If you needed to measure a tablespoon of salt, would you use a tablespoon or a fork? That’s a silly question—
you’d use a tablespoon because that what it was designed for! God has a specific purpose for YOU just like there are specific purposes for kitchen utensils.
God has designed you for His purposes and for His use! And while you aren’t perfect, God does have a perfect plan for your life. God wants to use you in ways that will give Him the glory! The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 4:7 that God puts His perfect truth into people that are imperfect so that everyone around us will know it
is God working in us! What good are we? We are no good—till we let the light of Jesus shine through us. And then we are vessels of honor for Jesus. No one in the Bible except Jesus was perfect. Not Moses, not Mary, not the 12 disciples - but God wasn’t too critical to use them and to use them in GREAT ways for His purpose! The
myth “God is too critical to use me” is BUSTED

Power Verse : “If you keep yourself pure, you will be [someone]
Big Idea “God Can Use Who? Me !”
God can use for his purpose.” – 2 Timothy 2:21

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