Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lesson #5 “God Is Too Busy To help Me”

“God Is Too Busy To help Me”
God has a busy schedule. Create planets in the morning, monitor the
lives of 7 billion people during the day,cause the stars to twinkle at night, and
much more. But, his schedule is NEVER too full to stop everything to help one of
His children in need. Many people believe that God is too busy with “more important things” than to come to their rescue when they need Him. In today’s lesson, we will learn about how when Jesus was on his way to heal Jairus’ daughter, he stopped
everything to help a woman in need. NO matter how busy God is, He will always
be there for us when we need Him.

Review Questions

1. What was today’s Big Idea?
Answer: “God Ain’t Too Busy To Heeeeellllp Me!”
2. What was the name of Wally’s “enemy”?
Answer: Nikki
3. What “crazy” myth did the Mythbusters bust today (not the spiritual one)?
Answer: you can’t bust an egg with your bare hand
4. What was the name of the man whose daughter was sick?
Answer: Jairus
5. What was Jesus doing when Jairus asked him to come heal his daughter?
Answer: teaching
6. Why did Jesus stop in the middle of the crowd on the way to see Jairus’
Answer: he felt someone touch him
7. What kind of disease did the woman have who touched Jesus?
Answer: bleeding non-stop
8. How long had the woman had the disease?
Answer: twelve years
9. Jesus said about Jairus’ daughter: “She’s not dead. She’s just _________.”
Answer: asleep
10. Where was our Power Verse found?
Answer: Psalm 59:10

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