Monday, February 20, 2012

“You Can’t Do That!”

“You Can’t Do That!”

“I won’t let critics destroy my faith!” “So don’t get tired in doing what is good. Don’t get discouraged and give up.” - Galations 6:9

This Week’s Main Focus:

Do not let others discourage you from doing BIG things for God!

Ever know anybody who is really good at pointing out all the things you do wrong? They seem to have a knack for putting you down and not making you feel good enough at anything? Those kind of people are really downers! There favorite phrase is “You can’t do that!”

God’s phrase to you is “With God you can,” boys and girls! God is your encourager, telling you that you can do BIG things for Him! People that constantly discourage you and tell you that you can’t do anything right are not giving you good or wise advice. So what’s a shepherd boy to do? What did David do with all of the discouragement that came his way?

Did he get into a fist fight with his brothers? Did he give in to discouragement? Whose report did he believe? Do he believe the report of the Lord that says “With God you can!” or the report of people who made fun of him and tried to discourage him from doing big things for God? No matter what anyone says, no matter how things seem to look, God is able to do BIG things through YOU, just like he did through David! Think of some things that you have already done with God’s help. Go ahead, strap on your thinking cap and get your thinking started! David didn’t wake up one day, hit the fast forward button on his life and face the giant, Goliath. David started trusting God for little things in his life, like finding good grass for his sheep to eat and asking God to keep him and his sheep safe from wild animals. Once he saw that God helped him, that gave him more faith and confidence in God for bigger things. Before he knew it, David was trusting God to help him defeat the enemy of the Israelites: Goliath and the Philistines. And no one, not David’s brothers, not King Saul, no one could convince David that God couldn’t use him to defeat Goliath. The small victories in David’s life helped him to believe God for the big things - and Goliath at 9 feet tall sure was a BIIIGGG thing!

David believed the report of the Lord and that’s the GIANT truth!

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