Friday, September 17, 2010

Lesson #3 (Mythbusters)

Have you ever felt worthless?
Have you ever looked in the mirror and
felt that the person staring back at you
was unlovable? Many children feel
exactly that way. They feel that God is
unable to love them because they see
themselves as worthless. For some, it’s
because other people have told them
that they are worthless for a long time –
and now they believe it.
God made every one of us. He
loves every one of us. Even if we can’t
love ourselves or we don’t feel that
others love us – we can ALWAYS know
that God loves us BIG-TIME.
In today’s lesson, we will look at
the story of a leper to see just how much
God loves those who feel unlovable.

you can use this questions to review the lesson with your children
Review Questions
1. What was today’s Big Idea?
Answer: “God Loves Me And God Loves You No Matter What We Say Or Do!”
2. Who was Wally trying to hide from?
Answer: God
3. What “crazy” myth did the Mythbusters bust today (not the spiritual one)?
Answer: Aaron’s brother’s socks are stankier than rotten eggs
4. What disease did the man have in today’s Bible story?
Answer: leprosy
5. What did lepers have to yell out when they approached people?
Answer: “Unclean!”
6. When others turned away from the leper, what did Jesus do?
Answer: Jesus looked at the leper
7. When no one else would touch the leper, what did Jesus do?
Answer: He touched the leper
8. When the leper asked Jesus if He was willing to heal him, what did Jesus say?
Answer: “I am willing. Be clean.”
9. True or False: Jesus healed the leper.
Answer: true
10. Where was our Power Verse found?
Answer: 1 John 4:16

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