Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lesson #4 Mythbusters

This week we are going to provide a copy of the weekly devotion
This is what your kids are learning this week
As a family, brainstorm some of the really bad things people do.
Ask your kids to tell you some of the things that they know other kids
have done that have gotten them in trouble. Then ask them what they
think is the worst thing in the world that somebody could ever do—what’s
the worst sin they can think of. Ask the following questions about that sin:
* How do you feel towards people who do that?
* Do you think people who do that should be forgiven? Why or why
* Do you think God still loves people who do that?
* Do you think God forgives people who do that?
* How many times do you think God would forgive someone for doing
Then tell your kids that while they probably will never do
anything as bad as the sin they chose, they will sin sometimes. Ask them
to think about some of the things they’ve done wrong lately (they don’t
have to mention them if they don’t want to) and then ask the same questions
above about the sins they’ve committed.

Remind your kids that when they’ve done things wrong in the
past, you’ve always forgiven them and that you’ll continue to forgive
them in the future. Then tell them that God is even more forgiving than
you are; he not only forgives them for what they’ve done, he chooses to
forget it and never reminds them of it again.
Close the devotion by praying together and asking God to help
you understand just how much he loves you and how willing he is to
forgive you when you ask him to. Thank him for caring about you and
your family so much.

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