Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"The Gift of Peace”

The Christmas Holidays are a very stressful time for most people even kids. There are the questions of “What am I going to give my Mom this year?”, “Am I on the ’nice’ list or the ’naughty’ list?”, and “Do I really HAVE to
deal with Aunt Ethel pinching my cheeks at Christmas dinner again this year?”
During this time of stress and difficulty, it is only God who can give the
GIFT of Peace to each person. Instead of trying to “make it through” on our own,
we must trust in God to bring the peace we need.
In this lesson, the children will learn about how the angels appeared to
the Shepherds and announced “Peace on Earth.” May the GIFT of Peace be
yours this Holiday Season. “May the Lord…always give you his peace no matter what
2 Thessalonians 3:16

Power verse “May the Lord…always give you
his peace no matter what
happens.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16
Big Idea “God Will Give You Peace Within,
He’ll Be With You ‘Till The End!”

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

lesson #2 JOY ( The Gift Series)

The Gift of Joy

When we are feeling down and
sad due to life’s difficulties and trials, we
are in desperate need of God’s GIFT of Joy.
Shortly after Mary received the
news that she would bear a son, she
went to visit her cousin, Elizabeth. When
the pregnant Mary walked in the room, the baby in Elizabeth’s womb leaped for
Joy.When Jesus enters the picture for us, we can’t help but feel the same joy!
No matter how tough life gets, we can receive the GIFT of Joy from God if we
ask Him. In this lesson, your kids will learn that Jesus is the source of their Joy!

Things to remember

Power point : “Whatever happens, dear brothers
and sisters, may the Lord give you
joy.” – Philippians 3:1

Big Idea : “God Gives Joy To Every
Girl And Boy!”

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Series in Kids Church (The Gift)

Christmas is around the corner
32 days away - we are starting an new series in Kids church called the Gift
and this week the lesson is about The Gift Of Grace
Christmas is almost here! It’s time to get ready to celebrate THE
GIFT— the birth of God’s only Son,Jesus! In this lesson, we will discover the
GIFT of Grace—through the story of the angel appearing to Mary, announcing
that she is carrying the Son of God. It is through Jesus, God’s Son, that we find
the Grace we need to be forgiven and free from sin. Mary was the first one to hear the
news, but we all can experience the great wonder of God’s Grace when we
receive His Son into our lives. Enjoy this lesson as we marvel at the wonder of God’s GIFT of Grace.
Video of the week

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Between the lines - Lesson # 1

rong, it can be very difficult for us to forgive them. Often, we hold onto the
hurt, the pain, the memory of what they have done and choose not to forgive
them. Forgiving someone is hard to do, but NOT forgiving is even worse. For a
Christian, that’s not even an option. We must not live our lives holding back forgiveness from someone, no matter what they have done to hurt us. If we do, it
hurts us much more than it ever hurts them.
In this lesson, the children will look at the parable of the Unforgiving
Servant and learn that we must choose to forgive others because God has
forgiven us of so much more.

Power Verse of the week ”If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Fatherwill forgive you.” – Matthew 6:14

Big Idea “If You Wanna Live Like He Wants You To Live, You Gotta Learn How
to Forgive!”

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

broken #2

This week your kids are going to be learning about
"Help a brother out

Christians have had a pretty sad
track record when it comes to handling a
situation when another Christian falls into
sin. Often, Christians make the mistake
of gossiping, pointing fingers, and even
ignoring the person who has made a
But, when another Christian falls
into sin, we are not to do any of that. In
fact, Galatians 6:1 clearly tells us that we
are to “gently and humbly help them
back on the right path.”
In this lesson, we are going to
learn from the example of Jesus how to
gently and humbly help our Christian
brothers and sisters back on the right
path when their lives become

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

we are starting a new series

“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again.”
Humpty Dumpty was broken and no one could put him back together. What’s
he going to do, just sit there all broken into pieces? It’s such a sad sad story.
That is exactly what it is like living a life without Jesus. When people are living
their life without Jesus as their Savior, their lives are broken. Sin has torn their lives
apart and their lives are totally broken and hopeless.
When your life is broken, you can try to fix it by yourself, but it won’t work. Many
people try to fix their broken lives with things like popularity, relationships, money, even drugs and alcohol. But, none of these things will ever be able to put their broken lives back together again. In this series, we will look at how God can put our broken lives back together again. We will also learn how to help other people whose lives are broken by sin.
God can heal broken lives, but He can also heal broken bodies and broken
relationships. These are all important lessons we will learn in this series.
We pray you and your children will be radically changed and made different as
you join Ashton, Dr. Boing, Dr. Von Hinklesnot, and Twix in this exciting series,

Power verse of the week

“But if we confess our sins to him,
he is faithful and just to forgive
us ...” – 1 John 1:9

Big Idea of the week
“God Can Put My Broken Life
Back Together Again!”

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mythbusters Lesson #6

God can use me to do BIG things for Him!
We’ve been busting myths about God left and right! Myths about God have no chance to survive when we test them against the Word of God, the Bible! What God says about the matter settles it, and that includes this week’s myth! Do you know what a “critic” is? It is someone who judges and criticizes something or someone. A
critic has a critical attitude: looking for all the wrong things they can find and then points those things out to anyone that will listen. Nothing is ever good enough.
God is too critical to use me is a myth, boys and girls! If God was only looking to use perfect people for His purposes, He’d have no one to use since no one but God is perfect! You have a very specific and unique purpose, and God wants to use you in that purpose. Think of some of the utensils in your kitchen. If you needed
to cut a piece of meat, would you use a rolling pin or a knife? A knife, of course, because the knife’s purpose is to cut! If you needed to measure a tablespoon of salt, would you use a tablespoon or a fork? That’s a silly question—
you’d use a tablespoon because that what it was designed for! God has a specific purpose for YOU just like there are specific purposes for kitchen utensils.
God has designed you for His purposes and for His use! And while you aren’t perfect, God does have a perfect plan for your life. God wants to use you in ways that will give Him the glory! The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 4:7 that God puts His perfect truth into people that are imperfect so that everyone around us will know it
is God working in us! What good are we? We are no good—till we let the light of Jesus shine through us. And then we are vessels of honor for Jesus. No one in the Bible except Jesus was perfect. Not Moses, not Mary, not the 12 disciples - but God wasn’t too critical to use them and to use them in GREAT ways for His purpose! The
myth “God is too critical to use me” is BUSTED

Power Verse : “If you keep yourself pure, you will be [someone]
Big Idea “God Can Use Who? Me !”
God can use for his purpose.” – 2 Timothy 2:21

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lesson #5 “God Is Too Busy To help Me”

“God Is Too Busy To help Me”
God has a busy schedule. Create planets in the morning, monitor the
lives of 7 billion people during the day,cause the stars to twinkle at night, and
much more. But, his schedule is NEVER too full to stop everything to help one of
His children in need. Many people believe that God is too busy with “more important things” than to come to their rescue when they need Him. In today’s lesson, we will learn about how when Jesus was on his way to heal Jairus’ daughter, he stopped
everything to help a woman in need. NO matter how busy God is, He will always
be there for us when we need Him.

Review Questions

1. What was today’s Big Idea?
Answer: “God Ain’t Too Busy To Heeeeellllp Me!”
2. What was the name of Wally’s “enemy”?
Answer: Nikki
3. What “crazy” myth did the Mythbusters bust today (not the spiritual one)?
Answer: you can’t bust an egg with your bare hand
4. What was the name of the man whose daughter was sick?
Answer: Jairus
5. What was Jesus doing when Jairus asked him to come heal his daughter?
Answer: teaching
6. Why did Jesus stop in the middle of the crowd on the way to see Jairus’
Answer: he felt someone touch him
7. What kind of disease did the woman have who touched Jesus?
Answer: bleeding non-stop
8. How long had the woman had the disease?
Answer: twelve years
9. Jesus said about Jairus’ daughter: “She’s not dead. She’s just _________.”
Answer: asleep
10. Where was our Power Verse found?
Answer: Psalm 59:10

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lesson #4 Mythbusters

This week we are going to provide a copy of the weekly devotion
This is what your kids are learning this week
As a family, brainstorm some of the really bad things people do.
Ask your kids to tell you some of the things that they know other kids
have done that have gotten them in trouble. Then ask them what they
think is the worst thing in the world that somebody could ever do—what’s
the worst sin they can think of. Ask the following questions about that sin:
* How do you feel towards people who do that?
* Do you think people who do that should be forgiven? Why or why
* Do you think God still loves people who do that?
* Do you think God forgives people who do that?
* How many times do you think God would forgive someone for doing
Then tell your kids that while they probably will never do
anything as bad as the sin they chose, they will sin sometimes. Ask them
to think about some of the things they’ve done wrong lately (they don’t
have to mention them if they don’t want to) and then ask the same questions
above about the sins they’ve committed.

Remind your kids that when they’ve done things wrong in the
past, you’ve always forgiven them and that you’ll continue to forgive
them in the future. Then tell them that God is even more forgiving than
you are; he not only forgives them for what they’ve done, he chooses to
forget it and never reminds them of it again.
Close the devotion by praying together and asking God to help
you understand just how much he loves you and how willing he is to
forgive you when you ask him to. Thank him for caring about you and
your family so much.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Lesson #3 (Mythbusters)

Have you ever felt worthless?
Have you ever looked in the mirror and
felt that the person staring back at you
was unlovable? Many children feel
exactly that way. They feel that God is
unable to love them because they see
themselves as worthless. For some, it’s
because other people have told them
that they are worthless for a long time –
and now they believe it.
God made every one of us. He
loves every one of us. Even if we can’t
love ourselves or we don’t feel that
others love us – we can ALWAYS know
that God loves us BIG-TIME.
In today’s lesson, we will look at
the story of a leper to see just how much
God loves those who feel unlovable.

you can use this questions to review the lesson with your children
Review Questions
1. What was today’s Big Idea?
Answer: “God Loves Me And God Loves You No Matter What We Say Or Do!”
2. Who was Wally trying to hide from?
Answer: God
3. What “crazy” myth did the Mythbusters bust today (not the spiritual one)?
Answer: Aaron’s brother’s socks are stankier than rotten eggs
4. What disease did the man have in today’s Bible story?
Answer: leprosy
5. What did lepers have to yell out when they approached people?
Answer: “Unclean!”
6. When others turned away from the leper, what did Jesus do?
Answer: Jesus looked at the leper
7. When no one else would touch the leper, what did Jesus do?
Answer: He touched the leper
8. When the leper asked Jesus if He was willing to heal him, what did Jesus say?
Answer: “I am willing. Be clean.”
9. True or False: Jesus healed the leper.
Answer: true
10. Where was our Power Verse found?
Answer: 1 John 4:16

Friday, September 10, 2010

Lesson #2 (Mythbusters)

Children often feel small and
insignificant. They feel that they are so
small and God is so big. They begin to
believe the myth that God is too big to
notice them.
In this lesson, the children will
learn from another small person in the
Bible, Zacchaeus. They will learn how
Jesus stopped everything to notice a
small little man and even asked to come
to his house. Zacchaeus became a
believer and began to follow Jesus.
No matter how small and insiginifcant
we may feel, God is never too big to
notice us. He knows every hurt, every
care, every concern, and every detail of
our lives. We are never so small that
God loses track of us. He loves us and
cares about our every need.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mythbusters Lesson #1

Myth #1 “God Is Too Strict To Accept Me”

There are many ideas about God that have been invented through the ages.
Sadly, so many people buy into the myth that some of those ideas are actually true. Often, because a whole bunch of people believe a myth is true, other people start to accept it as fact. Many children hear these myths at school, on television, and in the neighborhood. So, what are we gonna do?
We are going to take some of the most popular myths about God that people
claim are true – and BUST EM! We’re gonna look at what the Bible says and prove that these myths are 100% totally FALSE!
So join the Mythbusters Team, Pastor Milton and Willy,as they tackle one of these myths in each lesson. They are joined by “BUSTER”, a wacky guy (with even wackier hair) who loves to BUST stuff – as well as teach us some amazing Power Verses!
We pray you and your children will be radically changed and have your faith
strengthened in this amazing curriculum series—”MYTHBUSTERS.”
For This Generation,

from Flip Kids Team

Main Focus :God accepts everyone, no matter
what they’ve done.
Power Verse : “So accept each other just as
Christ has accepted you...”
- Romans 15:7
Big Idea : “Even Though I Am A Sinner, With
God’s Help I’ll Be A Winner”

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lesson #4 “Where’s Dad?”

Many children today are forced to live without a Dad. Whether it’s because
of divorce or pre-marital pregnancy,living without a Dad is very difficult for
children to cope with. While living without a Dad can be
hard, children can rest in the fact that we ALL have an incredible Heavenly Father
who has promised to be there for us no matter what. If times get tough, He’s
there. If we mess up and sin, He’s still there. He’s not going to leave us no
matter what! In this lesson, the children will
learn that all of us have the same Heavenly Father who is perfect in every

Main Focus: We have a loving Heavenly Father who will never leave us!
Power verse:“For I will not leave you…I will not fail you or abandon you.”
- Joshua 1:5
Big Idea : God The Father Will Never Fail!

1) Countdown
2) Welcome, b-days & announcements / Juan
3) Worship
4) Phrase craze / kristi Moore
5) Worship
6) Game time / Nikki Stahl
7) Skit or video
8) Lesson intro video
9) Word drop / Mark Scully
10) Sermon / Pastor Milton

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lesson #3 “Meet The Parents”

“Meet The Parents”

One of the biggest struggles kids
have is obeying their parents. It’s never
easy, and sometimes it seems impossible.
Sometimes, kids struggle so much
with their parents that they wish they had
a different set of parents altogether.
In this lesson, the children will
learn that God gave them the parents that He wanted them to have, the ones
that were best suited to take care of them, train them, and help them become
what God wants them to be. Children have to do their part to
help their parents do their job. How? They do their part by choosing to honor,
love, and obey their parents. It’s not easy, but it is always rewarding.

Main Focus: We must honor, love, and
obey our parents!
Power Verse: “Children, obey your parents… for
this is the right thing to do.”
- Ephesians 6:1
Big Idea:What My Parents Will Be
Is Up to Me!

1) Countdown
2) Welcome, b-days & announcements / Juan
3) Worship
4) Phrase craze / kristi Moore
5) Worship
6) Game time / Nikki Stahl
7) Skit or video
8) Lesson intro video
9) Word drop / Mark Scully
10) Sermon / Pastor Milton

Bapt. Video

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Family Mechanics Week #2

This week’s theme: When the family breaks down.

One of the biggest struggles kids have is obeying their parents. It’s never
easy, and sometimes it seems impossible. Sometimes, kids struggle so much
with their parents that they wish they had a different set of parents altogether.
In this lesson, the children will learn that God gave them the parents
that He wanted them to have, the ones that were best suited to take care of
them, train them, and help them become what God wants them to be.
Children have to do their part to help their parents do their job. How?
They do their part by choosing to honor, love, and obey their parents. It’s not
easy, but it is always rewarding.

This week is not such an easy topic to talk about or to actually go through. This week we are looking at divorce. Divorce is when a mom and a dad decide not to be married anymore, and they get a divorce. Divorce is about the mom and the dad, but it absolutely does change things for the kids, too. Maybe your parents are divorced. Or maybe you know a friend whose parents are divorced. Families change sometimes, but God absolutely NEVER changes. God has a perfect plan for everyone’s life, and that perfect plan starts with each of us giving our lives over to Jesus whether or not our parents are divorced. Take the first step on the road to God’s perfect plan: make lots of room for Jesus in your life.

Big Idea : When Things Go Wrong and I Don’t Know
What To Do, God Will Always See Me Through!”
verse of the week : “Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take
care of you.” - Psalm 55:22

1) Countdown
2) Welcome, b-days & announcements / Willy
3) Worship
4) Phrase craze / Nikki Stahl
5) Worship
6) Game time / Brian H.
7) Skit or video
8) Lesson intro video
9) Word drop / Mark Scully
10) Sermon / Pastor Milton

Monday, August 2, 2010

Week #1 Family Mechanics

Big Idea : No Matter How You’ve Done Me Wrong, I
Know We Can Get Along!
Weekly Scripture “Do your part to live in peace with everyone, as
much as possible.” - Romans 12:18

Admitting you’re wrong and asking for forgiveness is never fun,
but learning how to do it when you’re young can make it easier later on.
Explain to your children that there are three steps in the forgiveness
process: admit you’re wrong, ask for forgiveness, and make things right.
Tell them to pretend they broke a toy they weren’t supposed to be
playing with, and then have them repeat the following sentences:
• It was wrong for me to play with that toy. I’m sorry I broke it.
• Will you forgive me?
• What can I do to make it right?
Parents, it’s your job to help your children understand what
they’ve done wrong. In the scenario above, breaking the toy wasn’t the
issue—it was probably an accident. The child disobeyed by playing with
the toy in the first place. Make sure your child knows what he or she did
wrong; otherwise, instead of being sorry they disobeyed, they may just be
sorry that they got caught.
Talk about the following scenes with your children. Ask your
children what the person did that was wrong and how he or she should
ask for forgiveness.
• Sarah said mean things to a friend
• Michael didn’t clean his room when his mother told him to
• Abby rode her bike through a neighbor’s yard and ran over some
• Justin played a trick on a friend that caused his friend to be
Pray together, asking God to give you the courage to seek
forgiveness when you’ve done something wrong. Thank Him for always
forgiving you when you repent.

1) Countdown
2) Welcome & announcements / Juan
3) Worship
4) Phrase craze / Nikki Stahl
5) Intro video
6) Game time / Willy V.
7) Skit video
8) Word drop / Virginia
9) Sermon / Pastor Milton